Upcoming Courses and Events

Join us for exclusive training events designed to empower you with Krav Maga self-defense, arrest/control tactics, and weapons training skills.

Expert Instructors

Top Level Certified Instructors, Court Certified Experts, Law Enforcement/SWAT Instructors, and State of Colorado POST Subject Matter Expert.

Wide Range of Courses

Law Enforcement, Security, Paramedic, EMT, First Responders and Civilians. Courses for all, Instructor Certifications for some.

Upcoming Courses and Events

Concealed Handgun Permit+ Class

35-State Qualifying Concealed Handgun Permit class. Completion earns your certificate to apply for your CHP in Colorado that’s recognized in 35 states. This isn’t your average quicky cheap firearm safety class. This class far exceeds the State requirments and includes legal discussion, body language, situational awareness, drawing from holsters, force-on-force scenarios, and more.

May 17th, 2025


Defensive Handgun Fundamentals L2 Self-Defense and Scenarios

This next-level class following our CHP+ class is all hands-on. This 4-hour class features 2 new scenario rooms using YOUR firearm and our RAM simms pistols and training in Krav Maga self-defense when armed. Work on disarming a bad guy of his gun or knife, learn basics of self-defense and creating space and time to draw your handgun, and most importantly learn how to retain your weapon in a fight when someone is trying to take it from you…a much overlooked skill in most other firearms schools.

April 5th, 2025


Basic Handgun - Live Fire Colorado Suppliment

2-hourFor anyone that needs some basic live fire practice. But in particular this class satisfies the NEW LAW in Colorado requiring a minimum of 50 rounds be fired and a proficiency test met on the range. This short and sweet class will complete any CHP classroom portion that meets the new CO laws. (you can read more about the new CO Concealed handgun Permit requirements here)  
 Round count: 100

April 26th


Practical Defensive Handgun Level 1

2-day live fire at our private facility. Led by self-defense experts and SWAT Firearms Instructors. Drawing and shooting, multiple targets, combat accuracy, close quarters, Long-gun/Shotgun introduction, paper and steel, drills and more. Click for more info.
Round Count: 400

June 7-8, 2025


LEO Defensive Tactics-Arrest Control Agency/Academy Instructor Certification

A comprehensive certification course in Krav Maga defensive tactics and arrest control encompassing all POST requirements for in-service training and academy Krav Maga DTAC Full Skills Instructor. Click the button to see the curriculum and to register.

Date TBD


LEO Defensive Tactics-Custom Abridged Agency/Academy Instructor Certification

An abrideged 3-day certification course in Krav Maga defensive tactics certifying the attendee in Krav Maga handgun and long-gun retention and retrieval, and basic hand to hand self defense. Click the button to see the curriculum and to register.

June 12-14


Parks Rangers/Special Jurisdiction/Limited Authority Agencies Defensive Tactics Agency Instructor Certification

A comprehensive certification course in Krav Maga defensive tactics designed specifically for Quasi-LE Agencies and Limited Authority Agencies such as Parks, Open Space, EPA, Health and Environment, Animal Control, and other Regulatory Agencies in accordance with widely used use-of-force policies. Click the button to see the curriculum and to register.

Date TBD


Practical Defensive Handgun Level 2

2-day live fire at our private facility. Led by self-defense experts and SWAT Firearms Instructors. Day and Night, low and no light shooting, moving targets, empty hand self defense transitions to deadly force, shotgun, and more. Click for more info.
Round Count: 500

Date TBD
