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Defensive Tactics and Training designed for maximum retention and ease of use, our systems integrate DTAC and Arrest/Control with other tools such as firearm, baton, Tazer, to create seamless transitions in the Force Spectrum.  Trainees gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, minimizing UOF issues and complaints, and maximizing Officer Safety.  TKM provides Instructor Certs, user certifications, and provides in-service training for agencies with limited resources.

Contact us today to see how TKM can help your Agency or Group.

Self-Defense training…redefined.  The worlds best self defense system, Krav Maga, combined with intelligent weapons training for the real world applicable to REAL PEOPLE.  Where others fall short by trying to provide military or police type training to civilians, who will face threats alone and in entirely different situations than professionals, Tactical Krav Maga has an entirely separate curriculum and training structure for civilians.  Unarmed self-defense, firearms training, and everything in between.  This ain’t the old west…being the fastest draw on a pistol is rarely an important factor.  Defending yourself in the moment, with or without a firearm is.
Our training’s can be completely customized to your needs.  Most of time groups have an idea of the end goal they’d like achieved, we fill in the blanks and create a training course to meet those goals.  We’ll do all the work, you just provide the trainees!
I recently attended PHG 1 (2 day live fire course) and it was by far the best training I have ever received with firearms. As a civilian that wants to be proficient with my firearm and comfortable understanding its role in my personal self defense – I strongly recommend COKM handgun training courses. The instructors focused first and foremost on safety at all times – things I now include with my own family and in my own range time. The class covered two full days of live firing in all different types of self defense situations. I felt safe and comfortable enough to focus on improving my own techniques and understanding of my firearm. The student to instructor ratio is small allowing for lots of one on one training and finished the course with a HUGE amount of knowledge. I plan to continue additional firearms classes at COKM!
Tahverlee Dunlop

I have been training with Colorado Krav Maga for several years now.
My first lesson left me with an impression that I still have today: This works!

Coming from Israel and having served in the IDF, I wanted something ‘real’, with a school that knows how to teach. These guys are serious about KM, go to Israel to keep up to date and set realistic expectations for students and situations.

That is why I keep training here.

. הרושם הראשוני שלי תופס גם היום: זה עובד!

בתור מישהו ששירת ביחידת שדה, חיפשתי משהו ‘אמיתי’ עם בית-ספר שיודע איך ללמד. החברה כאן רציניים לגבי קרב מגע, נוסעים לארץ להשתלמויות ומציבים ציפיות ריאליסטיות למתאמנים ולמצבים.

זו הסיבה שאני מתאמן כאן.

אורן ב.

Oren B

Thank you for a fantastic training weekend. The 2/1 student to instructor ratio is exceptional. Some big takeaway lessons…It is hard to see at night even when using a flashlight and it is important to take your time to (1) make sure that you understand what you see and (2) that you get hits.  Low and no light training is something that I definitely need to incorporate into my training.  This session also emphasized the importance of training on multiple weapons so you can at least shoot a range of weapons accurately.  It also highlighted the importance of continued shotgun and AR training – using iron sights.


Overall, it was a great learning experience. I was definitely challenged and taken out of my comfort zone. It really helped me to see a lot of areas that I need to work on.

Peter A

I really had a great time and learned a lot… the first exercises were really helpful for getting the basics down with a loaded weapon. It definitely is a different scenario than going out and shooting for recreation, so I liked that things started slower and that I got a chance to build some confidence. The exercises that I enjoyed/benefited from the most were the stress drills. I liked the ones where we were punching and then had to shoot or were disoriented. The close quarters exercises on the second day were also really helpful and unique to anything I had ever done before.


TKM hosts training seminars year-round at locations across the Nation. Just a sample of the types of seminar you can attend are…

  • Unarmed Self Defense (Krav Maga, the Israeli Self Defense System)
  • CCW / CHP Concealed Carry Weapons Permit Classes
  • ACT; Armed Civilian Tactics seminars combines Firearms and Self Defense
  • Firearms courses, basic to expert, centered on reality based self defense
  • Defense vs. weapons seminars: Handgun defenses, knife defenses, etc.


ACT is the exclusive program of Tactical Krav Maga.  Armed Civilian Tactics is a new, dynamic approach to firearms training for civilians.ACT certified

  • Far too often, available firearms training courses have a military or law enforcement edge to it.  Although great tactics and training (we provide this as well), it doesn’t fit for what the average citizen will most likely face in a violent or deadly confrontation.  Police and Military have tools and force mulitpliers.  Mr. and Mrs. American Citizen have Fido and the kids and maybe a handgun or shotgun.  The tools are different, the circumstances are different, therefor the training MUST BE DIFFERENT.
  • If you own a training school, gym, or facility, and you want to be part of the solution for 90 million citizens that own or would like to own a firearm, contact us to start the process of becoming a Certified ACT Instructor!